The Morristown Historic Preservation Association was founded March 7, 1984 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. The Morristown Historic Preservation Association was recognized with a Public Education and Awareness Award from the Ohio Historical Society (now Ohio History Connection) in 1991 and again in 2003.
MHPA also received a 2013 Milestone Award from the Ohio National Road Association for its efforts to acquire and restore the Black Horse Inn, one of the last remaining National Road inns and taverns.
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To encourage restoration and improvement of the Village of Morristown as a National Historic District by disseminating information portraying early life in the Village and by aiding in the implementation of a district preservation plan.
To foster the cooperation of public agencies and private industries to assist in the historic preservation work.
To advance public education and interest in historic architecture and historic events as they relate to the district.
To solicit, collect, receive, acquire, hold, and invest monies and property, real and personal, including grants, gifts, bequests, contributions, and otherwise; and to use these funds for purposes of the Association.
To do all such other acts as are necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purposes of the Association; and to have all the powers and authority conferred upon non-profit corporations in the State of Ohio.

"A spot of local history is like an inn upon a highway; it is a stage upon a far journey; it is a place the national history has passed through. There mankind has stopped and lodged by the way. Local history is thus less than national history only as the part is less than the whole. Local history is subordinate to national history only in the sense in which each leaf of a book is subordinate to the volume itself."
-Woodrow Wilson